
LA Confidential


What is LA Confidential

LA Confidential is great for medicinal purposes
First of all, you need to respect the name, LA Confidential- very cool. It’s an Indica that will leave you more mellow than Spicoli having some food.

Confidential Strain is a great strain for easing acute pain, getting some sleep, and gaining an appetite. Confidential makes for a good medicinal marijuana option. Buy LA Confidential to relax your body and mind. 

An Indica with THC reaching over 24%, the psychedelic high will spark your creative genius!

Effects Of LA Confidential

The high of this pine-scented strain begins by numbing the body, inducing a state known as “couch-lock.” Users experiencing couch-lock often feel waves of relaxing and calming euphoria and, occasionally, cerebral effects.

Although this is a pure indica, a few users find its cerebral effects bordering on the psychedelic. It may also be thought-provoking and mood-lifting. Confidential’s powerful laziness is often accompanied by sleep an hour or two after consumption. Negative effects may include cotton mouth, dry eyes, paranoia, dizziness, or headaches, especially with higher doses.

Recommended for evening and nighttime use, this strain may relieve insomnia though some find it makes them tired without actually bringing on sleep. The strong indica effects make Confidential suitable for easing chronic aches and pains. Users often choose the strain to help them deal with stress and anxiety, and some patients use it to induce appetite or calm nausea.


1Ounce(O)30grams, 1Pound(O)457grams, Half Pound 227 grams, Quarter Pounce (QP) 112grams


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