Albino Penis Envy (APE)


Psilocybe Cubensis For sale

Psilocybe Cubensis is a species of psychedelic mushrooms whose principal active compounds are psilocybin and psilocin. Commonly called shrooms, magic mushrooms, golden tops, cubes, or gold caps

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What Is Albino Penis Envy

Albino penis envy is one of the most notorious strains of psilocybe cubensis out there. Its strange name comes from its distinctly phallic shape, but in addition to its whimsical appearance and nomenclature, the penis envy is respected as one of the most psychotropic potent mushrooms available in Australia.

The origins of the penis envy mushroom have supposedly been lost to time. The evidence seems to suggest that the strain was developed at some point in the mid-to-late 70s; anecdotal accounts varyingly attribute their discovery to the revered psychonaut Terence McKenna, while others insist that the penis envy was first developed by an anonymous scientist. The truth may never be revealed, but the shroom isn’t going anywhere.

Albino Penis Envy Effects

Albino Penis envy is known to produce a strong, and well-balanced high. Expect to experience time dilation, visual hallucinations, trails, fractal surfing, etc. The mood of the high is characterized by a rather light euphoria. For a beginner, we recommend a dosage of around 1.5-2 grams to get your feet wet. If you’re a little more experienced and want to experience the full high, a 3.5-5 gram dosage should blast you away. As always, please use caution, and don’t ever mix with other drugs or alcohol.

In some cases, magic mushrooms can induce spiritual experiences and heightened states of consciousness.

For certain people, these effects are deeply meaningful and provide a sense of peace and understanding. For others, they are overwhelming or scary.

When someone consumes albino penis envy mushrooms, the psilocybin binds to 5-HT2A serotonin receptors on the surface of nerve cells. Serotonin is the “feel good” chemical that helps regulate mood, thinking ability, perception, and sleep.

Therefore, when psilocybin binds to serotonin receptors, it affects how information flows between different brain regions. This results in changes in consciousness and perception.

These changes can be positive or negative depending on the person’s mindset, expectations, and environment

How to use them safely

If someone chooses to use Albino Penis envy mushrooms, it is important to do so safely. There are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Start with a low dose: It is always best to start with a low dose and increase gradually as desired. This allows time to gauge tolerance level, reducing the risk of negative experiences.
  • Be in a safe environment: Because magic mushrooms can cause changes in perception, it is important to be in a safe and comfortable environment. If a person is in an unfamiliar setting, they could get lost, hurt, or have a bad trip.
  • Avoid mixing with other substances: Mixing Albino Penis envy mushrooms with other drugs, alcohol, or medications can be harmful. Psilocybin can interact with other substances in unpredictable ways and magnify their effects.
  • Know the source: When buying magic mushrooms, it is crucial to source them from a reliable supplier. Some mushroom species can look similar but have different or even dangerous effects.
  • Have a positive mindset: Magic mushrooms can amplify emotions. Therefore, if someone is feeling anxious or depressed, it could trigger a bad trip.
  • Have a “trip sitter”: This person remains sober and can provide calm and reassuring support if someone needs help while taking mushrooms
  • When someone consumes penis envy mushrooms, they may experience perceptual changes, alteration in thinking processes, and spiritual experiences known as a “trip.”Historically, people have used psychedelics in religious and ceremonial rituals. More recently, experts have studied their therapeutic effects.
  • These mushrooms contain high concentrationsTrusted Source of the psychedelic compound psilocybin. As a result, people report that consuming these mushrooms produces intense visual and euphoric psychedelic experiences.As these mushrooms take longer to mature and do not produce many spores, they are difficult to find and cultivate. This means they may be more expensive and harder to source than other varieties of magic mushrooms.
Shroom Quantity

1-Oz, 1/2oz, 1lb, Hp, QP